Saturday, May 30, 2009

Know The Stages Of Breaking Up & Set Yourself Up For Reuniting With Your Lover

There are stages within the process of breaking up that you should follow.

Why, you may ask?...

The reason is that you want to set yourself up as much as possible for reuniting with your lover and hopefully much more quicker than if you allow your past relationship or bad habits to drag you down...

Remember you must give yourself as well as your ex room to breathe and evaluate after a breakup.

This can be better done on a clean foundation Also, keeping your ex curious is a good thing!!!

Here is a video that may help!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Get Ex Girlfriend Back By Showing Her You’re Desirable and Available

Do you want to get ex girlfriend back? In three
quarters of break ups, women are the ones who call
it quits. As you are probably aware by this time
in your life, women are irrational creatures.
They don’t always say or do what is in their best
interest. Often, within days of a break up, a woman
is ready to get back together. But, she’s embarrassed
that she made a scene and won’t tell you that she’d
like to reconcile. Unless you make a move, you are
at a stalemate with the situation being that you are
broken up. So, it is up to you to get ex girlfriend

To get ex girlfriend back, you have to pursue a two
pronged approach. The first thing you have to do is
show her that you are desirable. The second thing is
to show her you are available and you want her back.

If there was a core reason for the break up, you need to
address that. For instance, when Scott and Rachel first
started going out, he took her to plays and concerts
because she really enjoyed the arts. As they got more
settled in their relationship, dates increasingly revolved
around his passion for sports. In fact, after Rachel called
the relationship off, Scott realized that they hadn’t done
an arts event in nearly four months.

Scott realized that in order to get ex girlfriend back, he
had to show her the fun parts that she had been missing from
the relationship.

Scott didn’t bombard Rachel with calls and text messages
immediately. He gave her her space. But a couple weeks
after the break up, he casually mentioned that he had two
tickets to the symphony and asked whether she would like to
go “just as friends.”

Of course, Rachel jumped at the chance to do something she
liked with the man she was still in love with. Scott and
Rachel went to the concert and then he took her to a romantic
restaurant where he bought the best bottle of wine on the menu.
Rachel was blown away by the “new” Scott and started hinting
that she wouldn’t mind restarting the relationship.

At this point, the ball was in Scott’s court. He now had the
upper hand to define how they were going to get back together.
Get ex girlfriend back meant getting her on his terms.

He told Rachel that he had enjoyed the evening and he looked
forward to more just like it. But he also enjoyed sports and
hoped that if they got back together she would be willing to
learn more about offside and fouls.

Because she was in a great mood, she agreed. The new terms
for going forward with the relationship had been set and
everyone was happy.

Remember, Rachel broke up with Scott in a fit of pique.
But she didn’t really want to end the relationship.
Scott handled everything just right in realizing what
was lacking, fixing it, and then proceeding under a
new set of rules. And, that is how Scott went about
get ex girlfriend back.



Thursday, May 28, 2009

Get an Ex Girlfriend Back With a Successful Battle Plan

John wanted to get an ex girlfriend back. John was
a veteran of the war in Iraq and he knew that he
had to make a battle plan to get an ex girlfriend

John’s ex, a woman named Macy, broke up with him
because she had met someone else, in this case a poet.
John knew that while Macy had an artistic streak, she
wasn’t going to ultimately be happy with someone whose
idea of a good time was rhyming couplets. In short,
the poet wasn’t the kind of man that John was.

So, John set out a battle plan to get an ex girlfriend
. There were three prongs to his approach.

The first thing he did was to smooth out the rough edges
on himself. He let his crew cut grow out and had a short
stylish haircut. He also started reading some of the books
Macy had mentioned in the past. He figured that to get an
ex girlfriend back, he had to be the kind of boyfriend she

The next prong of attack was to show her that he was a
virile man that other women wanted. He called up Sarah, a
friend of Macy’s, and asked her if she wanted to go to
dinner as a casual date. When she said yes, John texted
Macy and asked where Sarah might like to go on a date.

Macy immediately called John and wanted to know why he was
taking Sarah out. John told her that they were broken up
and he was moving on. He had always thought Sarah was an
interesting person and thought it might be a good time to
get to know her. If Macy had any objections, maybe she
should reconsider the break up.

Macy slammed down the phone, which John expected. But he
had planted the idea with Macy that he was a desirable guy.
This was all part of his get an ex girlfriend back strategy.

The third prong of attack was to use the date with Sarah to
get information back to Macy. John was the perfect gentleman
on his date with Sarah. He brought her a single rose when he
picked her up. He took her to a nice restaurant. And, on the
date, he talked about the fabulous books he had been reading

Then, when he dropped her off, he gave her a hug and a kiss on
the cheek but didn’t go any further. The next day, he sent her
a lovely bouquet and said “I had a really good time. I hope you
did too.”

Sarah, of course, was on the phone with Macy immediately. She
wanted to know why Macy had broken off a relationship with
such a great guy.

Meanwhile, the luster had gone off the relationship with the
Poet, and Macy was missing John a lot.

Macy called John a couple of days after his date with Sarah
and wanted to know if the two of them could try starting up
their relationship again.

That, my friends, is how to get an ex girlfriend back.

How to Win Love Back and Have Your Ex Fall in Love with You All Over Again

What can you do to win love back? Getting your
ex to fall in love with you all over again can
be a challenge. The truth is that there are
reasons that he or she called it off. If you can
figure out what the reasons are, you have a good
chance to win love back.

If you need to win love back because the other
person couldn’t trust you anymore, you will have
to proceed slowly. If you messed up and fooled
around with someone else, you have to prove that
you can be loyal again.

First, you must be certain that you want your ex
back. What is going to keep you from straying
again? Could it be that the reason you fooled
around is because you weren’t 100 percent sure
you wanted your ex? If this is the case, are
you now sure that you want the relationship to
go forward?

If you are sure, then you need to apologize.
Don’t think that this will get you very far
when it comes to win love back, but it is a
necessary first step.

Then, you must give your ex time to heal.
Don’t push him or her to resolve the situation.
During this time, you don’t want to play any head games
that might give your ex the feeling that you can’t
be trusted. You probably shouldn’t date other
people during this time. You should be humble.

Be a great friend to her. Do the things that made
her fall in love with you in the first place. If
she still has feelings for you, being a good friend
can help her pave over the infidelity.

But there are reasons besides cheating that a person
dumps their lover. For instance, they may be bored
with the relationship. In this case, if you want to
win love back, you have to spice things up.

When your ex was first attracted to you, you were
probably not complacent in the dating game. You
planned each date carefully, dressed up for the events,
and brought little gifts to him or her from time to
time. As the relationship developed, you may have
gotten sloppy about it.

If you think the reason you are now in the position where
you need to win love back is that you let the relationship
get boring, try spicing things up.

If you meet up again “just as friends” do something different
and exciting. Meet at a wine bar instead of a pool hall.
Go out for fondue or other “interesting” food.
Go to a concert with music that she likes.
Don’t just sit around the house watching football or
American Idol all of the time.

If your ex is bored with you, win love back by becoming more
interesting in your personal life as well. Take a course or
join up with an interesting group. Start skydiving. Show
your ex that you can be a lot of fun.

The final reason that I’m going to discuss here about why a
break up happens is that you were just “too into” your ex.
He or she didn’t have any room to breathe. They may still
like you. Heck, they may still love you, but they didn’t
find any room for themselves in the relationship.

If this is the case, you have to give your ex some space.
The worst thing you can do is send them 100 text messages a
day or call crying at 3:00 a.m. asking why the break up
happened. You win love back by backing off. When you see
your ex, be casual. Don’t be needy.

There are, of course, many other reasons why your ex could
have broken up with you. When you analyze why the break up
happened, you can use the space thereafter to win love back
by making the necessary changes.

You won’t win love back by continuing in your old habits.
But you should know that getting back together is possible.
You can win love back.

Win Ex Back Without Playing Head Games

When you have been dumped, there are any
number of theories about how to win ex back.
Most of them involve playing head games with
your ex. But, when you mess with her head just
to win her back, you are on a shaky foundation
for moving forward in the relationship when
things are patched up. This article is the
no-games way to win ex back.

When you were going out, she would text you two
dozen times a day. Now your phone is silent.
While you don’t want to overdo it, calling her
once a week or so just to “keep in touch” keeps
the door open for a reconciliation.

To this end, make sure that you call her on
important days like her birthday. Sending a
card or a small gift wouldn’t hurt either when
you are trying to win ex back.

Keep in touch by email. If there is a news story
she might enjoy – whether it is about poverty in
Africa or a profile of Shane West – send it to her
with a nice (short) note. You can also start a email
list where you send out information, jokes, or personal
updates to a group of friends and make sure she is on
the responder list.

You also have to decide whether you want to want to
date other girls during the period when you are trying
to win ex back. If you are serious that you are going to
win ex back, you won’t date other girls. If you are even
thinking about getting back together, do not sleep with
another woman. This goes against some dating advice
that says you should date around to make your ex jealous.
But playing games like this will not serve you well when
you do get back together.

Don’t be jealous when she dates other guys though. She
called it off, remember, so she’s not cheating when she
sees men. You can use the information about what she
looks for in a man when you analyze the kind of men she’s

For instance, if she broke things off with you because you
had gotten too complacent in the relationship, she may be
seeing men who sweep her off her feet. If you were the beer
and football type and she’s now dating artists and poets,
you may need to develop a more sensitive side in order to
win ex back.

When you analyze and study the woman who broke up with you,
you will be able to see what she really needs in a man.
Remember, that now that you are no longer a couple, there
are layers being built up between the two of you. In some
ways, this actually makes it easier to see what she needs
from a man because your own emotions, feelings, and needs
are less at play. Read into the things she says and the
things she doesn’t say. Look at her actions as well.

Hold your own cards close to your chest. The power in your
relationship has shifted. When you spill out your deepest
emotions to your ex, you give her too much power. If you tell
her that she is the one person who you need in your life, she
suddenly can dictate the future. When you hold your own
cards close to your chest, you preserve your own power which
is necessary for restoration of the relationship after you
win ex back.

During the time when you are broken up, work on yourself.
Make sure you hit the gym regularly so you look good. Get a
hair cut too and even consider a new style. Also, work on
your mind as well as your body. By spending time on self
improvement, you become more attractive to your ex.

The bottom line is that you can try to get your ex back by
playing games or you can try to fix the problems that your
relationship had. When you work on the problems, you build
a more solid foundation for the future when you have already
accomplished win ex back.

There are more tips like these that will help you get your Ex Back.
Click Here

Getting Over Break Up Steps of Recovery

Are you getting over break up right now? Do you
hurt so bad that you feel like your heart is going
to explode? Do you want to see the other person
one minute and want to kill them the next? That
is all par for the course when you are getting
over break up.

Just as there are stages of grief when mourning
someone who has diet, there are also steps that
must be taken when getting over break up. One woman
whose first husband died and second husband divorced
her said that it was actually easier getting over the
death of a husband than it was recovering from divorce.
That is because there’s societal support when someone
dies, but you are supposed to go about getting over
break up on your own.

The first thing you should do is sit down and write a
long letter to your ex. Pour out your heart. Share the
experiences you had together. Tell him or her why you
loved them. Put on paper how you feel about the break
up. Call them names. It’s okay to emote in this letter
because no one is ever going to see it. That is because
you are going to light a candle and burn the letter over
the candle’s flame. There are not many rituals that go
along with breaking up, but this one can help you on the
road to emotional recovery.

Next, you need to arrange to exchange stuff. If you have
been in a relationship of any length, you probably have
some stuff of his at your place and he’s got your things
at his. You probably want much of this stuff back and he
or she is equally eager to get theirs. Work out a time
for a mutual exchange.

If there are things of your ex’s that aren’t going to be
exchanged, either box them up or throw them away. Don’t
leave your ex’s toothbrush lying around the bathroom
because it will only remind you of them as you are trying
to go about getting over break up.

It is also a good idea to box up any gifts your ex gave
you for a time. Wearing a watch that your ex gave you
will make you think of them every time you check to see
what time it is. That’s just not a good idea when getting
over break up.

There are sometimes financial matters that need to be
straightened out when getting over a break up. If you
owe your ex money, try to either pay it off from your own
funds or get another loan to pay it off. If you have a
checking account together, work out how you are going to
divvy it up and then go to the bank to close it.

What you should be seeing is a pattern of closing out
the parts of your lives that you shared. This is
essential to getting over break up.

After you have done what is necessary, agree to have no
contact for thirty days. This will allow you to start
building separate lives. You shouldn’t call, text, email,
or meet the other person during this time. You may even
want to agree that some places such as a specific bar or
even a given church “belong” to one party or the other
during this month long period.

After you have had time to begin building a separate life,
you will be able to interact more normally once again. This
is a difficult time, so give yourself the space you need
in order to go about getting over break up.

Don't forget to pick up your copy of The Magic Of Making Up

Get Back Together With Ex Don’t Write Off the Relationship Just Because She Dumped You

Do you want to get back together with ex?
Don’t write off the relationship just because
she dumped you.

Women are fickle creatures. In 3 out of every
4 break ups, it is the woman who calls it off.
But, many times they’re open to re-establishing
the relationship. Breaking up may not have been
a well thought out decision, but they are loathe
to admit they are wrong and come back to you

Part of your job is to figure out what went wrong
and change it. If she was bored in the relationship,
you need to spice things up. If she was looking for
a flashier guy, a makeover might be in order. And,
if you were too needy, you might just need to back
off for a time.

Right now, if you want to get back together with ex,
you need to show her that you are exactly the kind
of guy she wants to date.

One of the ways to get back together with ex is to
show her that you are an in demand kind of guy.
Every girl says she wants to be unique. They look
for “unique” styles. But you will quickly notice
that what they really want is a “unique” look that
is just like all of their friends’ looks.

So, to become the in-demand guy, you have to start
dating in-demand girls. In fact, dating her close
friends will actually make her want to get back
together with you.

If you are uncomfortable dating people who might
continue to be in your life after you get back together
with your ex
, you can at least flirt with them. When
you see your ex with a pack of her friends, don’t pay
any attention to her. Instead, lavish attention on her
friends. If she has a particularly plain friend, spend
the most time with her. That’s one way to get back
together with ex.

Look at how she reacts to you when other guys are around.
When someone puts you down, does she stand up for you?
That is a good sign that she is still into you and will
welcome you back into her life.

When you want to get back together with ex, you need to
realize that there is a new power relationship at play.
You no longer belong to each other exclusively. Instead,
you are two independent spheres rotating around the other.

Many guys don’t realize that this power shift has occurred.
While they are down in the dumps about the break up, they
don’t change their behavior pattern toward their ex. This
is a big mistake.

When you want to get back together with ex, you will take
advantage of the shift in power. You will woo her by
changing the things that she doesn’t like about you or the
relationship, become the in-demand guy that all girls want
to date, and be a little bit unavailable to her. If these
things don’t work, she probably has moved on and you won’t
have much hope of jump starting anything.

However, in almost all cases, because women are fickle
creatures, you can get back together with ex.

It's may seem hard to master, but if you read the
Magic Of Making Up you will understand, in depth how to
have her where you want her.