Saturday, April 4, 2009

When Should I Start Communicating With My Ex After A Break-Up?

Many times we want to get back together so bad with our ex that we are actually suffocating any chances of really reuniting.

If you want to get together and are afraid of being let down by your ex, you really need to examine why you feel that way. Often we want to repair the relationship so bad we end up tricking ourselves of the real signs that are out there.

First, I recommend you stop asking them out. Stop contacting them and let time & curiosity be your ally.

Later, (usually 30 days or so) hopefully you reach a point where you are communicating. This is when you confidently let your ex know (nicely, politely, quickly and without fanfare) your expectations when it comes to hanging out. Give your ex the opportunity to please you and not let you down.If they truly love and want you, it will come naturally. Let them take the reigns. You will know whether the relationship has a chance (which you want to find out) if they play games, hesitate or do not show interest in being around you.

The 30 day period I recommend for not communicating is not a hard fast rule. Also, it does not mean that you should hide or keep your ex in the dark of what you are doing. In fact, letting your ex discover you are dating or going out with friends sometimes gets your ex curious and sparks new interest. Just don't call him or her and announce that you are dating or treating yourself special. Let them find out through a third party or by seeing it for themselves.

For more dating and relationship tips please take the time to review the resources that have helped me as well as many others... just click here.

I promise you, the skills and tips you will learn will help you in your current as well as any other relationships in your future. This is one education that pays back much more than the investment you make!!!

Also, if you have any questions for me regarding your relationship, do not hesitate to email me @
I am busy, but promise to do my best to get back with you asap. I learn quite a bit from reading the various relationship challenges that people send me.

To your happiness,


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