Sunday, November 23, 2008

4 Things Men Notice About Women

Recently, I received an email from a woman who wanted to get my take on what men notice about women. Fair question, since we as men have some of the same concerns. So I will touch on 4 things that Rich Santos wrote, that I agree 100% about. So Women get out your notebooks and write these down, because they are important to us and most men will agree.

I study a girl's hands pretty intensely. Beautiful hands can portray daintiness and strength at the same time. I notice manicures, and complexion. I imagine what it's like to hold them. I'm not much of a hand holder, but pretty hands will turn me into a hand holder. I even watch how a girl grips things. There are definitely different objects and shapes that look amazing in a girl's hands, such as a wine glass. A wine glass has delicate curves that play off a woman's hands. When I notice fingers that are appealing to me, I imagine how those fingertips would feel.
I've mentioned hair before, so I wouldn't say it's a "little thing". But hair can do simple actions that can evoke powerful emotions. One day I ran into my friend on the way to work-the friend that wore high heels to the soccer game. One thing's for sure: this girl really knows how to take care of and do her hair. We were just talking and walking when a gust of wind blew right down the street and ran through her hair. The indescribable motion that took place in her hair was beautiful. I even noticed that a random guy we passed turned his head and looked. I didn't realize until the day was over, but seeing that gust of wind go through my friend's hair put me in a good mood the rest of the day. So, while hair is a big deal, little random moments can create big, great things.
Attitude Towards Others
When I go out to dinner with a girl, I keep a close eye on how she treats a waiter or hostess. Does she say "thanks," and generally act polite and respectful? Sometimes I feel as if I'm overly cordial to people: I wish them a nice day and always make sure to say "thanks." But, what makes a woman has to do with more than just how she treats me. A person with a beautiful personality treats everyone nicely and respectfully. It's fun to be out with a girl and watch her make people smile from afar. It makes me feel proud and lucky that I'm with her. It's already an amazing thing when I meet a girl that can brighten my days. But if this girl brightens everyone's days, then I'm even luckier.
What Does She Notice?
It's fun meeting different people because they always bring a new perspective. When I break down music I love for people, they ask how I even care about every last little sound and note that I analyze and point out to them. What little things does a woman notice or point out? If we go to a Broadway show, for example,does she notice something in the background set? Does she notice the couple in front of us that are very much in love? Does she notice that the usher hates us because we are whispering and showed up just as the lights were going down? Sure, we share big thoughts and ideas with one another, but sometimes you can learn a lot about a person just by the details they notice in life and moments. It is a fun adventure going out with someone who can laugh at and notice little things, and who always brings new insights to different situations. Once I realized that I was noticing little things, I came to the conclusion that little simple moments are just part of overall beauty. Beauty can be defined in a collection of moments, or memories more often than it can be defined by someone's appearance. Seeing a girl across the room, holding a wine glass with pretty hands and making people smile, or a moment in the morning where the wind runs through a girl's hair, or a girl I'm noticing someone walking by in a Members Only jacket, are simple moments that should never be taken for granted.
What is a little thing (appearance, moment or personality) that you notice in a guy that is a simple, beautiful thing?

Again, I think most men will agree and I think Rich Santos the original writer of this article is right on point with this one. Thanks Rich.

Friday, November 14, 2008

She Dumped Me Again!!

She Dumped Me Again!!! This is something that is familiar with many of us. I had another email sent to me, and as I read it, I can remember going through the same thing a few years back. This person who we'll keep nameless had a girlfriend who broke up with him, because she needed some space. He gave it to her, even though he was in pain and agony and like most of us felt there was another guy in the picture. Never once did he break down and call her, or send her text messages or emails. She came back declaring her ultimate love for him, and how she was wrong.... He took her back. Two weeks later she stating again how unhappy she is and how she can't be in the relationship. She dumped him again!!

He's not the only one. I get about 5 emails a day that reign the same familiarity. I hear the same words. She dumped me again! So what changes from her coming back, to her leaving again. You'll be surprised by the answer NOTHING!!! That's why she left in the first place and then again.

Some of you are like HUH?? Let me explain.... This is really sensitive to me as well. I had a situation where I went all out for a women for her birthday, only to be dumped 2 weeks later. No explanation, no call, just dumped. I never called or tried to figure out why. Even though I was hurt, my pride wouldn't allow it. A month goes by and she shows up at my door unexpected, crying telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back? A bunch of promises, of how things were going to be she couldn't live without me. Over whelmed with emotion I took her back. and I think you know what comes next...SHE DUMPED ME AGAIN!!!

Here's the deal... there's no respect there for you. Like the guy I talked about earlier, my situation and the numerous guys I talk to, we have put these women up on shrines. Yes you should treat them well, because women do have a need to feel love. But being the nice guy that goes all out, What Usually Happens?? To Be fair not in Every situation, because there are many women out there who know a good man when they have one. But the rest of you...Brother.
If you Love dial is set to high, it won't work. If a man's love is deeper for his women than hers is for him, it won't work. Women want to look up to you as Men. So be a man, adopt that attitude, Yes I will love and will treat you like a queen. But if you want to go...BYE THERES" THE DOOR. Never again will I gravel because you can't make up your mind whether or not you want to be with me. You (men) "and if your good to your women," are just as a much a catch as she is. You have to remember that!!!! If I may suggest Click Here

Sunday, November 9, 2008

How To Save Your Relationship : What to Do If You Are Always Arguing!

Most people live full-time with their parents for 18 years. If you meet the one whom you’re meant to be with before you’re 30 years old, you will hopefully end up spending more than 30 years with them. This means that you’ll be spending more than double the time with your spouse than you spent with your parents.

With such a large amount of time being spent with another person, it’s a given that you are going to clash now and again. Sometimes, however, the fighting gets so bad that one or the other of you may decide to quit your relationship all together.

So how do you save a relationship that seems to be headed down the toilet?

1) Recognize Reality

The first thing you have to do is recognize why you’re fighting. Are you fighting because you’re truly mad at each other, or are you fighting because you’re upset that some jerk at your office accused you of something you didn’t do?

You live together and are friends, of course, so it makes sense that you take out your moods and pent-up emotions on each other.

However, this can cause a lot of problems. Before your anger escalates to the boiling point, stop and figure out exactly why you’re angry. If you’re frustrated about something at work, let your lover know. They are the person you should be able to turn to when things aren’t going the way you want them to.

2) Find the Calm

The calmer you are, the more likely your spouse will be to take you seriously. People are more likely to listen to the words of a calm person than they are to someone who won’t stop ranting and raving.

One way in which you can learn to remain calm is to take up meditation or yoga. Simple breathing techniques that are taught in these disciplines can help you to learn to stay calm, even in the midst of a really difficult argument. When you learn these breathing techniques, you may be able to stave off the argument entirely, which is one way to help save your relationship.

3) Agree to Disagree

No two people are going to agree on everything all of the time. It would be a pretty boring world if we all did! Take the case of one of my male friends. He believes that his daughter shouldn’t have earrings until she is 14, while his wife believes that she should be allowed to have them anytime after the age of four.

This is an argument that threatened to tear them apart. Finally, they both agreed to disagree about the earring situation. He figured out that, when she got older, she would convince him herself. Sometimes you have to put aside your strong feelings and realize that your lover has strong feelings, as well. It’s perfectly all right to agree to disagree!

4) Teamwork

Instead of fighting against each other, come together and work for, or against, something. If you have children, work toward giving them the best life you can give them.

If you’re against something in your town, work toward getting it resolved. If you’re into sports, join a team together. The couple that plays together, stays together!

5) Dance and Romance

When my boyfriend and I first got together, we used to spend hours just talking late at night. We would both be exhausted the next morning from the time we spent awake, chatting with each other.

As our relationship got further and further apart, we realized that we never stayed up talking anymore. One evening the music was on and I grabbed him and started dancing around the room with him. The simple act made us happy and made us realize how much we loved just being in each other’s arms.

Dance and romance your partner. Sometimes swaying slowly together in a darkened kitchen is one of the nicest ways to reconnect.

Relationships are tricky things. When you put two people together for a long amount of time, they are bound to fight and bicker.

If the bickering gets bad enough, things can disassemble quite quickly. Find ways to show your lover how much you care about them. Put silly little love notes in their lunchbox. Write a message in the steam on the bathroom mirror, so that the next time they take a shower they will see the message.

Grab some lipstick and write “I love you” on their car window while they’re at work or busy doing something else.
Realize that nobody’s perfect, and focus more on reconnecting with your loved one rather than winning a battle.

You CAN get your Man or Woman to fall back in love with you and
save your Marriage (or Relationship!) no matter how difficult your
love relationship circumstances are, and no matter how far your
lover is away from you! If you sincerely believe in your heart that BOTH
of you are meant to be together, learn my methods and strategies to
save your own Relationship and get your lover back TODAY! Read
how I have helped my readers create miracles in their relationship
life AND get their lover back!
Click Here

Friday, November 7, 2008

Secret To Make Your Ex Return Your Call

Here's an email I received from a person
who is definitely in pain.
"Hi Jaydeman, my women recently broke up
with me, and even though I know there are
things I need to improve on, she won't take
my call. I've tried just about Everything,
sending her flowers, leaving notes on her car.
Still No response. What advice can you give
me to at least toget her to return my phone
call. Is there anything I can say or do?"

While my response really depends to on whether
or not he did anything terribly bad, the way to
handle it is somewhat the same.

Are there any magical words you can use
to get your ex to just return your phone calls?

This maybe hard to believe but there ARE words
that will nearly cast a spell and make your ex
feel almost compelled to return your call. Works for men and women

Cool huh?...

I am going to share this with you because
I get this question a lot sent to my email.
You're just one of many who are trying to put their relationship
back together.

So I am going to answer the questions I get...
"How do I get my ex to return my phone call, text or IM?"



In the Book there is a whole layout and
a complete strategy.


If you try to use this technique alone, without
having an 'overall' game plan or may
end up damaging your relationship more than if
they never returned your call.


Before I get into the actual words, let's
go over what message that almost NEVER

and worse than that it ...

Puts you in an AWFUL 'psychological' position.

OK There are 2 categories....

The PLEAD- Where the message sounds like

"David, could you please, please call me. This is the 3rd
time I have called. I HAVE to talk to you it's important."

And then there's The EMERGENCY-

"Tracy, this is an emergency. Please call me
as soon as you get this." Man this one really doesn't work!

I hope you can what is wrong with
both of those approaches?

How To Use Curiosity & Self Interest
To Your Advantage

The most powerful forces of
the human mind are

*Curiosity &
*Self Interest

SO here's the BIG SECRET you must KNOW!

When you combine the two, you
have a recipe that WILL work.


Take a look at what you can say
that works nearly EVERY TIME.

In a friendly tone:

"Hi David. It's Tracy. I wanted to let
you know that I appreciate what you did for
me. Call me because I want to thank you
in person."

Do you see how that we used BOTH curiosity
and self interest?

David will NOT be able to resist! "What did I do?"
"What does she appreciate?" he will be thinking. And
he feels good because it is a positive message.


Before you call it's important you do the
"Set Up"...which is making sure you know what
he/she did that you appreciate.

It can be any small thing...but needs to
be believable.

But more importantly...


Please have an underlying strategy
and this book will tell you more BEFORE CALLING.


If you apply this technique with
AND you don't have a specific plan
you can cause more DAMAGE than good to
your relationship. No one likes to be

Why I do I keep saying this...

What you do before, during and
after you get them to return your
call is MORE important than getting
them to return your call.

Make sense?

Have a PLAN! Click Here!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What Drives Men Away...And What Attracts Them...

"I can't do anything without her double checking, and then checking again what I'm up too" These are the frustrated words from one of my best friends who has been in a relationship with this woman for about a year. He's never cheated on her, but she always has to have control over his actions. Just recently I called his phone and she changed his voice mail without him knowing and left her voice message announcing his name. Some may say what's wrong with that? If he were fine with it, hey more power to him. But she did it behind his back and he wasn't aware, he was livid. She opens his mail, gets jealous over him spending time with his kids from his first marriage, doesn't want him working out at a particular gym because the women there are too pretty, and gets upset if him and I stay on the phone too long talking football or politics. Definitely a case of insecurity, or obsessiveness.

Insecurity plagues many of us men and women alike, but today I will only touch on what Drives men crazy and what keeps them happy.

As a women have you ever felt insecure? Maybe you have, and you're not alone. Many of my female friends say the often feel insecure in a relationship and don't know what to do about it. They sometimes feel the worse when he hasn't called for a day or two, or decides to hang out with the boys instead of being with her. If he acts different around her, she thinks it's something she did. Instead of backing away and/or giving space, they feel if they love them more or if they were around more they could control the outcome. Most likely though the opposite happens, and the man is turned off. I've seen my best friends' woman go from clingy and overly loving, to insecure and obsessive. He's miserable!!

Women...there's no way faster for to drive your man away but by showing him that your clingy. It may last a little while, but I'm warning you if it continues, you'll have him running away faster than Usain Bolt. (*Jamaican who won 100 yard dash in the Olympics convincingly.*)

The case above with my friend is just a simple case of "NO TRUST". Without trust a relationship WILL NOT work and its just a matter of time before the inevitable happens. They will grow to resent each other because of all of the fussing. The the thin line between love and hate will be crossed and there is no going back. If she is this jealous and insecure now, after ONLY 1 year, how much worse will she be in 5 years. He has never cheated on her, so she has issues of her own that she need to be resolved. Sounds as if she has a lot of emotional baggage that she has brought into the relationship and it is serving as a poison.
But let say for argument sake that He HAD cheated on her then she would have had 2 choices....
1.) Forgive him and leave it in the past, or
2.) Let him go.
Otherwise there are 2 miserable people in a relationship for what? Physical attraction? Sex? Financial convenience? A person has to decide what matters most to them. I chose P-E-A-C-E. So if that means leaving the one you love so that you can have peace, so be it.

Every Man has different needs and as his women you need to learn what they are. I'm not saying the women don't have needs cause as men we have to address them as well. But we are focusing on the man right now. Most men want the companionship, as in friendship...but they can't feel as though they're smothered or can't have other male friends. Men need man time.... Be there for him without being intrusive and you'll never have anything to worry about. If you feel as though he's pulling away, don't push, just back up a little as well. It's not what you think most of the time, because a man's stresses about everyday life differs from a women's. Give him his space and sometimes the distance that is created can make the heart grow fonder.

We all Love who we Love, we just have to figure out if it's right for us.

Thanks again

Jayde Kennedy