Friday, November 14, 2008

She Dumped Me Again!!

She Dumped Me Again!!! This is something that is familiar with many of us. I had another email sent to me, and as I read it, I can remember going through the same thing a few years back. This person who we'll keep nameless had a girlfriend who broke up with him, because she needed some space. He gave it to her, even though he was in pain and agony and like most of us felt there was another guy in the picture. Never once did he break down and call her, or send her text messages or emails. She came back declaring her ultimate love for him, and how she was wrong.... He took her back. Two weeks later she stating again how unhappy she is and how she can't be in the relationship. She dumped him again!!

He's not the only one. I get about 5 emails a day that reign the same familiarity. I hear the same words. She dumped me again! So what changes from her coming back, to her leaving again. You'll be surprised by the answer NOTHING!!! That's why she left in the first place and then again.

Some of you are like HUH?? Let me explain.... This is really sensitive to me as well. I had a situation where I went all out for a women for her birthday, only to be dumped 2 weeks later. No explanation, no call, just dumped. I never called or tried to figure out why. Even though I was hurt, my pride wouldn't allow it. A month goes by and she shows up at my door unexpected, crying telling me how much she loved me and wanted me back? A bunch of promises, of how things were going to be she couldn't live without me. Over whelmed with emotion I took her back. and I think you know what comes next...SHE DUMPED ME AGAIN!!!

Here's the deal... there's no respect there for you. Like the guy I talked about earlier, my situation and the numerous guys I talk to, we have put these women up on shrines. Yes you should treat them well, because women do have a need to feel love. But being the nice guy that goes all out, What Usually Happens?? To Be fair not in Every situation, because there are many women out there who know a good man when they have one. But the rest of you...Brother.
If you Love dial is set to high, it won't work. If a man's love is deeper for his women than hers is for him, it won't work. Women want to look up to you as Men. So be a man, adopt that attitude, Yes I will love and will treat you like a queen. But if you want to go...BYE THERES" THE DOOR. Never again will I gravel because you can't make up your mind whether or not you want to be with me. You (men) "and if your good to your women," are just as a much a catch as she is. You have to remember that!!!! If I may suggest Click Here

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