Thursday, October 30, 2008

When to Know He/She is Not Worth It!!

I had an individual who we'll keep anonymous ,email me and told me about a situation that happened to her. Her counter part just up and split one day, just out of the blue. Everything was fine before then. Her boyfriend complimented her saying he was the luckiest person in the world and how happy he was to have her in his life. Then that dreaded day came where all contact was broken.

After talking to her via email..I asked some key questions to make sure it was nothing on her part, such as cheating, or any type of negativity that turned him off. We all know there are two sides to every story. But she was convincing to say "NO!" She did say she went into the hospital for a while after getting sick, and he wasn't there for her, and shortly after her getting out he left. There is no contact what so ever. He hasn't called, doesn't's like she never existed to him. WHAT SHOULD SHE DO?

My advice: was to let him go....if someone is not going to be there for you when your sick, what happens if something really bad happens and he/she has to push you around in a wheel chair.
You all should have the confidence to know, your partner has your back, whether it be financial, sickness or in health. Apparently he didn't.

That's something that we all need to think about. How is our current partner treating us now?


Really step back and take a good look at your relationship. Do the same things keep happening over and over again? Does he/she have your best interest at heart, or it always about me, me, me? Would that person be there for you if had to depend on them. Does our mate always got some drama going on, always sweating the small stuff?

We owe it to ourselves to be happy!! No one else can do that. We have to be complete when we meet someone, so that if we break up , we don't lose our identity and we're still complete.
That's why he have to be careful by saying those words..."He completes me" or "She completes me." Were you not a whole before you met them. No one makes or breaks us. It is what we allow them to do that does!

Please give me some feedback

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Just Got Her Number When Do I Call......

This was something that was emailed to me. May men have that SAME question. We are out having a good time, someone catches our eye and she's interested. We proceed over, talk for little while and eventually get the number. What do we do next? Many men will call her while leaving the parking lot...I don't know if that's the best. Where I have just talked with 3 of my friends who happen to be girls. They said they would find it flattering that he would call, they all agreed that they want to feel as though he had something going on. A lot of men will call her the next day...again it may not be in your best interest, You probably can't figure out why I'm saying that, but let me put it to you this way. She's probably given out her number before you, maybe the same night , maybe not. The only thing is that you can't be like every other man. Let's face it guys, we think we found the women of our dreams and you've already come home and talked about it to your best friend. Slow your Role, gain some composure, and take your time. You don't want to scare her off in the first 72 hours after meeting her. Men email me I have

Now for the ladies reading this I'm not saying or suggesting be a player, not at all. What I am saying though is that you can't all of a sudden be his life altering moment. What life did he have before you? It was who he was at that particular moment that made him attractive, when you first met. Don't get me wrong, I know the number was given to use, and you should use it. Just have to give things time just like a fine wine. Nothing guzzled taste good, nor does the process of making it. We all tend to appreciate things better that develop properly

Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Too Busy To Be In a Relationship

I'm Too Busy To Be In a Relationship

How many times have we heard those words? I've been getting a lot of response from my videos. Many people men and women alike are telling me the same story. That the relationship was perfect, they spent a lot time together, finished each other sentences and then something changed almost overnight? Now the counterpart is saying it moved to fast and they really don't have the time to be in a relationship right now. So why the sudden change you may ask?

Let me tell you what they're really saying: They aren't feeling you... I don't say this to be harsh, but let face it. We all have time FOR, what we want to make time FOR. Hold on things are not lost though. You can totally turn this around, take your control back by first understanding this language.

For men it could be the love dial was turned up too high. We all have Love Dials, meaning how much we are in to each other. If the love dial for a man is higher than a womens, she is turned off. No matter how many women say I want my man to be more into's not in their nature. Many are turned off and they don't even know why. Think about it... have you ever known a girl to just go out with a jerk, who doesn't treat her like you used too. You ask yourself..."MAN WHAT DOES SHE SEE IN HIM" or even wonder why is she staying. He acts as though he could take her or leave her, could careless. No I'm not saying to be THAT GUY, no way! But I am saying for you to have a little pride and self confidence in who you are. It's what probably attracted her in the first place....but did you lose it in your love for her. She wants to be proud of you being her MAN, not her puppy that follows her around blindly, always wanting to be with her like you have nothing else going on. Think about it

For women...
If he pulls away, let him. I know when you're in Love is so hard to do. We as men are funny creatures though. We expect you to be upset, we expect you to cry, and when you don't it hurts our ego's. Don't be available 24/7 this makes you seem desperate. Don't sit around waiting on us. Emotionally check out...go out, have a good time, and YES accept other dates. Don't accept his calls! We hate the thought of someone else being with more ways than one. When your man asks you back, don't jump at the opportunity. Make him work for it. You have to remember hey he left you.

I hope this helps some of you...
Please comment and because it always helps others...

Will talk to you soon

How to Apologize and Win Her Back

One of the many questions men have is how to effectively apologize without looking like your begging. Well first I must say that no one likes someone who begs. And I'm not pointing a finger at anyone because we've all done it, at some point or another. We forget about having a little respect for ourselves and will stoop down to a level, where she can"t even stand us. Some of us let it effect our appearance and just lack that luster and happiness of being alive.

So How do we do it. The main thing is to be sincere about your mistake. Let her know how you feel, and how it must make her feel. Don't use the words I'm sorry if at all. OK if you start off that way, say it once and never come back to it. Let her know how you've let her down, how you feel about her and move on.

Now if you killed someone, I suggest you turn yourself in, cause there's no helping you there (just a little humor) But that's my point...women are real emotional and we have to treat them as such. We sometimes forget they need attention, reassuring and just a touch every now and then, some of them everyday..

I tell you what, if you want to see a real pro do it, let this video show you how it's done. It's a Great scene and women just seem to Love it. Maybe it's because of the actor, but believe it or not you you have that power too, to turn things around.

You had me at Hello...How to Apologize

What Do I Do, To Get My Ex Back ?

I recently saw this question on a yahoo answer board. So I thought I come her today to blog about it. Where this situation I observed had an ex who suddenly showed up and caused confusion in a relationship...the question is still something that many of us have, and unfortunately the pain is still the same.

I myself have felt this pain, "oh too many times, " in the past, until I learned how to correct my ways. Something that just eats at your insides and you feel you have no control over. What do I do? If you're like me you wish you had just 2 mins to be able to read the other persons mind, because deep down you feel they must still love you. I mean how could they not? You're a great person and maybe if you try a little harder to show them, they will surely see.... But what happens? It actually works in reverse. The more you try, the harder you try to convince them that they are making a mistake, the more they become distant. Sometimes they almost seem repulsed by you?

You take advice from your friends, who tell you "There's more fish in the sea", or "Hey, forget them their lost," and you gain a little composure, a little strength, but the moment you go home and lay in bed alone; that empty feeling engulfs your insides and images of your ex take over. Believe me, I'm only writing from experience!

What we all need to realize is that we can't make someone love us. As harsh as that may sound, it's a reality that we have to accept. Several things can happen if you believe what I'm saying. Now if you did something really awful, yeah maybe you do need to do some making up., but only to a certain point. Never gravel, if at all to long. It's not very becoming and we lose respect for ourselves and others lose respect for us as well. "no-one likes the site of a grown man crying for forgiveness" I've done it, so I'm not making fun of you at all. And women, give the ex some space. Men expect you to call, or show up and when you don't it drives them crazy. What I'm saying is that we have to do the opposite of what we feel. It's not so easily done I know, but applying and moving on with your day, will actually make you feel better.

Two things can happen, when you take back control of you.

1.Your ex could never come back. Maybe that's not what You want to Hear, but it is a possiblilty. But if you don't learn to manage "YOU," you'll find yourself in the same situation with someone else.

2. Your ex will take notice. For some reason human nature is a funny thing. As soon as we act as though we don't need them, then they want us back.. Once I learned this I have ex's to this day who are chasing me still.

Hey I hope this helps, please feel free to comment.... I've set up this blog for you.

Take care and Good luck!

Relationship woes.....

Hey I created this blog because of the different problems we all have with relationships. Am I a doctor, no. But I have gone through enough in my 39 years to offer some valuable insight. I've helped many of my friends, family with their relationships, and many of them told me to create something to help others. So that's what I did. So please feel free to post here and once I read it, I'll respond, and feel free to respond to others as well.
I appreciate you all

Get Your ex back Fast| How to get back fast

Are you Depressed over your breakup? Have you worn out your fingers texting your former love . . . telling them: “I am sorry and I want you back?” or . . . “I can’t live without you!” . . . or . . . “How could you do this to us?” (me)

I have 2 words for you . . . STOP IT! You are driving them away!

It's exactly what they expect us to do. You have to turn the tables. Even though some may look at is a manipulation, what is your goal. You have to somehow change the way you are doing things. What I mean is that this is probably not your first go around.

I often found myself being turned away from women...and some would say well they're not the right one for you. Only to see them in someone else's arms and living happily ever after.

"Wow, what does that guy have that I don't"

I heard of this reverse emotional judo...

3 Quick Tips On Getting Your Ex Back

Get Your Ex Back Tip#1: Stop apologizing. Wait wait…no I do not mean don’t apologize, just learn how and when to do it.

Get Your Ex Back Tip # 2 Acknowledge their feelings. Make it about them, show them that you do understand where they are coming from.

Get Your Ex Back Tip #3 Once dialogue has occurred and you both have a clear understanding of what happened. Then and only then do you apologize. When you open with an apology, again goes back to the lack of appreciation. It seems to your ex that you just want to get over and done with it to relieve your guilt and get on with the make up sex! And lets face it, that is what you want, a quick fix…but you know the thing about band aids, they are very temporary fix…so don’t get caught alone miserable listening to sad love songs or worse still better get this right so that your ex doesn’t send you an email with one of these:

I got these great tips from several books...The best is this one here
Click Here!

How Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

How many times should I say I am sorry? How many times?

Ok, so I got this next part from a friend who is a woman. So it's the perspective of a woman, so listen up fellows if you are serious about getting back with your ex and the love of your life. Think about this, how many times have you said sorry to ex girlfriend for past mistakes? How effective was it? Think about it, you ask your girlfriend out to dinner, she gets there and waits an hour, two, three and well you are a no show and probably for good reason (yes I am giving you the benefit of the doubt!)

So you show up a day later, with flowers purchases at your local grocery store, the arrangement of which leaves a lot to be desired and it is very clear that little or no thought was put into this make up gesture. Of course let’s not forget the box chocolates you grabbed at Rite Aid (yeah and you thought you were sleek).

So you waltz in, see the look on her face and your quickly spring into action because you have been taught that an apology, or the word sorry will fix everything. BUT you also know from experience this is not true, how well from the venom that comes spewing out of your girlfriends mouth!

You: I am so sorry about dinner yesterday!
Ex girlfriend: oh really? Just how sorry you know not.
You: I got you some flowers and chocolate, oh hone what can I do to make it up to you?
Ex girlfriend: Make it up to me, that is a laugh…I suppose you can make it up to me by taking the trash out but oh well then again, you are way to lazy and would rather sit on your butt watching football all day long. Or how about the time you said you would….and the kitchen sinking begins. Kitchen sinking is when you start bringing every single little thing that ever happened in the past. As you can see sorry is just a band aid, it covers up the wound, deals with the effects, but never really gets to the core of the matter. Sorry doesn’t resolve the root cause, neither does it wipe out the resentment that builds over the duration of the relationship.

The first step to reuniting love and getting your ex girlfriend back is to….know why you do what you do (cause), the effect it has and the reasons that lead to break up in the first place.

So lets start by defining an apology

apology |əˈpäləjē|
noun ( pl. -gies)
1 a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure : we owe you an apology | my apologies for the delay | I make no apologies for supporting that policy.
• a formal, public statement of regret, such as one issued by a newspaper, government, or other organization : the Prime Minister demanded an apology from the ambassador.
• ( apologies) used to express formally one's regret at being unable to attend a meeting or social function : apologies for absence were received from Miss Brown.
2 ( an apology for) a very poor or inadequate example of : we were shown into an apology for a bedroom.
3 a reasoned argument or writing in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine : a specious apology for capitalism.

An apology is pretty much a justification. You are saying that you were right to miss out on dinner. You are acknowledging fault, but also justifying your position. You had to do it, there was no way to avoid it.

Men, you want to be needed, you want to feel special, you want respect.
Women, well all we want is to be acknowledged and the way you do this is by showing us that we are appreciated.

Standing up your girlfriend, or any other act that causes pain or hurt…well it screams out loud I don’t care about you. I do not appreciate you! You have heard that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, that is mighty fancy language for hell hath no fury like a woman who believes she is unappreciated!

scorn |skôrn|
the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt :

When a woman is done, you know she is going to drop you like a hot potato not caring where you land, done finito!

How To Get Your Ex Back

How do we Get our Ex Back?…Hey I know this is a question that plagues a lot of us, men and women alike. It’s an epidemic, that many wish they could get a shot for or take a pill, wake up and it was nothing more than a bad dream. What steps do we take to get your ex back? Everyone seems to have some magical way of doing it, but listening to the wrong person, can have you looking and feeling like a complete idiot.

Most of us lose our mind, if we are still in love and can’t fathom our ex being with someone else. Our heart aches, we can’t sleep, while others can’t leave the bed. Some of us can’t eat, and some of us eat too much to cover the pain we feel. We tend to do things out of character, it changes our over all attitude about our daily routine. Many of us alienate our friends and family, while some of us talk their ears off about our problems, just to have them run upon the site of us. Sometimes if we’re not careful, we can find ourselves in trouble. We don’t mean to stalk, call to much harassing, let your no' s come across deaf ears. We just want you back!

So what is the proper way to get them back without causing damage to anyone. Reading self help books of how to get your ex back is one way. But just like advice given by a friend, you have to be careful what you apply. Manipulation and tricks to get them back can backfire, and having feeling worse and spending unnecessary time. If I may suggest reverse emotional direction.

This book is a little unconventional, so please be mature when applying methods to use. Remember that she/he left once, so something has to change about you. I have a saying “Until the pain of remaining the same, out ways the pain of change; will one change”

Click Here!
Take care and Good Luck!