Monday, October 27, 2008

What Do I Do, To Get My Ex Back ?

I recently saw this question on a yahoo answer board. So I thought I come her today to blog about it. Where this situation I observed had an ex who suddenly showed up and caused confusion in a relationship...the question is still something that many of us have, and unfortunately the pain is still the same.

I myself have felt this pain, "oh too many times, " in the past, until I learned how to correct my ways. Something that just eats at your insides and you feel you have no control over. What do I do? If you're like me you wish you had just 2 mins to be able to read the other persons mind, because deep down you feel they must still love you. I mean how could they not? You're a great person and maybe if you try a little harder to show them, they will surely see.... But what happens? It actually works in reverse. The more you try, the harder you try to convince them that they are making a mistake, the more they become distant. Sometimes they almost seem repulsed by you?

You take advice from your friends, who tell you "There's more fish in the sea", or "Hey, forget them their lost," and you gain a little composure, a little strength, but the moment you go home and lay in bed alone; that empty feeling engulfs your insides and images of your ex take over. Believe me, I'm only writing from experience!

What we all need to realize is that we can't make someone love us. As harsh as that may sound, it's a reality that we have to accept. Several things can happen if you believe what I'm saying. Now if you did something really awful, yeah maybe you do need to do some making up., but only to a certain point. Never gravel, if at all to long. It's not very becoming and we lose respect for ourselves and others lose respect for us as well. "no-one likes the site of a grown man crying for forgiveness" I've done it, so I'm not making fun of you at all. And women, give the ex some space. Men expect you to call, or show up and when you don't it drives them crazy. What I'm saying is that we have to do the opposite of what we feel. It's not so easily done I know, but applying and moving on with your day, will actually make you feel better.

Two things can happen, when you take back control of you.

1.Your ex could never come back. Maybe that's not what You want to Hear, but it is a possiblilty. But if you don't learn to manage "YOU," you'll find yourself in the same situation with someone else.

2. Your ex will take notice. For some reason human nature is a funny thing. As soon as we act as though we don't need them, then they want us back.. Once I learned this I have ex's to this day who are chasing me still.

Hey I hope this helps, please feel free to comment.... I've set up this blog for you.

Take care and Good luck!

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