Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I Just Got Her Number When Do I Call......

This was something that was emailed to me. May men have that SAME question. We are out having a good time, someone catches our eye and she's interested. We proceed over, talk for little while and eventually get the number. What do we do next? Many men will call her while leaving the parking lot...I don't know if that's the best. Where I have just talked with 3 of my friends who happen to be girls. They said they would find it flattering that he would call, they all agreed that they want to feel as though he had something going on. A lot of men will call her the next day...again it may not be in your best interest, You probably can't figure out why I'm saying that, but let me put it to you this way. She's probably given out her number before you, maybe the same night , maybe not. The only thing is that you can't be like every other man. Let's face it guys, we think we found the women of our dreams and you've already come home and talked about it to your best friend. Slow your Role, gain some composure, and take your time. You don't want to scare her off in the first 72 hours after meeting her. Men email me I have more....jaydeman23@gmail.com

Now for the ladies reading this I'm not saying or suggesting be a player, not at all. What I am saying though is that you can't all of a sudden be his life altering moment. What life did he have before you? It was who he was at that particular moment that made him attractive, when you first met. Don't get me wrong, I know the number was given to use, and you should use it. Just have to give things time just like a fine wine. Nothing guzzled taste good, nor does the process of making it. We all tend to appreciate things better that develop properly

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