Monday, October 27, 2008

How Can I Get My Ex Girlfriend Back

How many times should I say I am sorry? How many times?

Ok, so I got this next part from a friend who is a woman. So it's the perspective of a woman, so listen up fellows if you are serious about getting back with your ex and the love of your life. Think about this, how many times have you said sorry to ex girlfriend for past mistakes? How effective was it? Think about it, you ask your girlfriend out to dinner, she gets there and waits an hour, two, three and well you are a no show and probably for good reason (yes I am giving you the benefit of the doubt!)

So you show up a day later, with flowers purchases at your local grocery store, the arrangement of which leaves a lot to be desired and it is very clear that little or no thought was put into this make up gesture. Of course let’s not forget the box chocolates you grabbed at Rite Aid (yeah and you thought you were sleek).

So you waltz in, see the look on her face and your quickly spring into action because you have been taught that an apology, or the word sorry will fix everything. BUT you also know from experience this is not true, how well from the venom that comes spewing out of your girlfriends mouth!

You: I am so sorry about dinner yesterday!
Ex girlfriend: oh really? Just how sorry you know not.
You: I got you some flowers and chocolate, oh hone what can I do to make it up to you?
Ex girlfriend: Make it up to me, that is a laugh…I suppose you can make it up to me by taking the trash out but oh well then again, you are way to lazy and would rather sit on your butt watching football all day long. Or how about the time you said you would….and the kitchen sinking begins. Kitchen sinking is when you start bringing every single little thing that ever happened in the past. As you can see sorry is just a band aid, it covers up the wound, deals with the effects, but never really gets to the core of the matter. Sorry doesn’t resolve the root cause, neither does it wipe out the resentment that builds over the duration of the relationship.

The first step to reuniting love and getting your ex girlfriend back is to….know why you do what you do (cause), the effect it has and the reasons that lead to break up in the first place.

So lets start by defining an apology

apology |əˈpäləjē|
noun ( pl. -gies)
1 a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure : we owe you an apology | my apologies for the delay | I make no apologies for supporting that policy.
• a formal, public statement of regret, such as one issued by a newspaper, government, or other organization : the Prime Minister demanded an apology from the ambassador.
• ( apologies) used to express formally one's regret at being unable to attend a meeting or social function : apologies for absence were received from Miss Brown.
2 ( an apology for) a very poor or inadequate example of : we were shown into an apology for a bedroom.
3 a reasoned argument or writing in justification of something, typically a theory or religious doctrine : a specious apology for capitalism.

An apology is pretty much a justification. You are saying that you were right to miss out on dinner. You are acknowledging fault, but also justifying your position. You had to do it, there was no way to avoid it.

Men, you want to be needed, you want to feel special, you want respect.
Women, well all we want is to be acknowledged and the way you do this is by showing us that we are appreciated.

Standing up your girlfriend, or any other act that causes pain or hurt…well it screams out loud I don’t care about you. I do not appreciate you! You have heard that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, that is mighty fancy language for hell hath no fury like a woman who believes she is unappreciated!

scorn |skôrn|
the feeling or belief that someone or something is worthless or despicable; contempt :

When a woman is done, you know she is going to drop you like a hot potato not caring where you land, done finito!

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