Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Too Busy To Be In a Relationship

I'm Too Busy To Be In a Relationship

How many times have we heard those words? I've been getting a lot of response from my videos. Many people men and women alike are telling me the same story. That the relationship was perfect, they spent a lot time together, finished each other sentences and then something changed almost overnight? Now the counterpart is saying it moved to fast and they really don't have the time to be in a relationship right now. So why the sudden change you may ask?

Let me tell you what they're really saying: They aren't feeling you... I don't say this to be harsh, but let face it. We all have time FOR, what we want to make time FOR. Hold on things are not lost though. You can totally turn this around, take your control back by first understanding this language.

For men it could be the love dial was turned up too high. We all have Love Dials, meaning how much we are in to each other. If the love dial for a man is higher than a womens, she is turned off. No matter how many women say I want my man to be more into's not in their nature. Many are turned off and they don't even know why. Think about it... have you ever known a girl to just go out with a jerk, who doesn't treat her like you used too. You ask yourself..."MAN WHAT DOES SHE SEE IN HIM" or even wonder why is she staying. He acts as though he could take her or leave her, could careless. No I'm not saying to be THAT GUY, no way! But I am saying for you to have a little pride and self confidence in who you are. It's what probably attracted her in the first place....but did you lose it in your love for her. She wants to be proud of you being her MAN, not her puppy that follows her around blindly, always wanting to be with her like you have nothing else going on. Think about it

For women...
If he pulls away, let him. I know when you're in Love is so hard to do. We as men are funny creatures though. We expect you to be upset, we expect you to cry, and when you don't it hurts our ego's. Don't be available 24/7 this makes you seem desperate. Don't sit around waiting on us. Emotionally check out...go out, have a good time, and YES accept other dates. Don't accept his calls! We hate the thought of someone else being with more ways than one. When your man asks you back, don't jump at the opportunity. Make him work for it. You have to remember hey he left you.

I hope this helps some of you...
Please comment and because it always helps others...

Will talk to you soon

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