Monday, October 27, 2008

Get Your ex back Fast| How to get back fast

Are you Depressed over your breakup? Have you worn out your fingers texting your former love . . . telling them: “I am sorry and I want you back?” or . . . “I can’t live without you!” . . . or . . . “How could you do this to us?” (me)

I have 2 words for you . . . STOP IT! You are driving them away!

It's exactly what they expect us to do. You have to turn the tables. Even though some may look at is a manipulation, what is your goal. You have to somehow change the way you are doing things. What I mean is that this is probably not your first go around.

I often found myself being turned away from women...and some would say well they're not the right one for you. Only to see them in someone else's arms and living happily ever after.

"Wow, what does that guy have that I don't"

I heard of this reverse emotional judo...

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