Thursday, October 30, 2008

When to Know He/She is Not Worth It!!

I had an individual who we'll keep anonymous ,email me and told me about a situation that happened to her. Her counter part just up and split one day, just out of the blue. Everything was fine before then. Her boyfriend complimented her saying he was the luckiest person in the world and how happy he was to have her in his life. Then that dreaded day came where all contact was broken.

After talking to her via email..I asked some key questions to make sure it was nothing on her part, such as cheating, or any type of negativity that turned him off. We all know there are two sides to every story. But she was convincing to say "NO!" She did say she went into the hospital for a while after getting sick, and he wasn't there for her, and shortly after her getting out he left. There is no contact what so ever. He hasn't called, doesn't's like she never existed to him. WHAT SHOULD SHE DO?

My advice: was to let him go....if someone is not going to be there for you when your sick, what happens if something really bad happens and he/she has to push you around in a wheel chair.
You all should have the confidence to know, your partner has your back, whether it be financial, sickness or in health. Apparently he didn't.

That's something that we all need to think about. How is our current partner treating us now?


Really step back and take a good look at your relationship. Do the same things keep happening over and over again? Does he/she have your best interest at heart, or it always about me, me, me? Would that person be there for you if had to depend on them. Does our mate always got some drama going on, always sweating the small stuff?

We owe it to ourselves to be happy!! No one else can do that. We have to be complete when we meet someone, so that if we break up , we don't lose our identity and we're still complete.
That's why he have to be careful by saying those words..."He completes me" or "She completes me." Were you not a whole before you met them. No one makes or breaks us. It is what we allow them to do that does!

Please give me some feedback

1 comment:

Chris-BJ said...

This really works. I admirer this guy;) The things he says really helps;)

Thanks for the advice;)

Btw. Sure you'r not a doctor? ;P